Friday, November 13, 2015

Love this video about defensible space. Your home CAN survive a wildfire!

With today and tomorrow being the last days of FireFree, take a moment to look at the small things around your home that could ignite your home in a wildfire event.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Only you...On Wildfire Today

Fire in the Lake San Antonio area of Monterey County,
California, August, 2009. Photo by Vern Fisher.  

Only You...Smokey Bear does have it right

Such a interesting take on Smokey's tag line as it applies to our "new normal". This article highlights what it is to live in the wildland urban interface in a thoughtful way. My favorite quote "Living with fire is not an option for those who live in the Red Zone (WUI)." Check out the full story at the link below.