Friday, May 29, 2015

Register Your Phone for Emergency Notifications

Have you registered your cell phone for emergency notifications? Now it the time to get your phone in the system before there is an emergency. Step 10 of FireFree is being prepared to respond to wildfire, being in the loop for notifications is a large part of being prepared.

If you have not put together your emergency kit visit Project Wildfire's website for the Deschutes County Evacuation guide that has all kinds of tips and tricks on how to build your kit.

Evacuation Guide Link

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

CNN Story: Stop Expecting Firefighters to Save Your Homes

Very insightful article calling for personal responsibility regarding homeowners preparing for fire season. Making sure that all parties are prepared, firefighters and homeowners in the WUI, will ensure that everyone goes home safely.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

City of Bend & Bend Fire Take on Defensible Space

It's Project Wildfire's partners that make our organization so successful. Without our local partners engaging in wildfire preparedness and carrying that message, Central Oregon would not be a national and regional leader in Fire Adapted Communities.

City of Bend and Bend Fire talk about the importance of defensible space in this 3 minute video. Take 3 minutes to watch and get ready for fire season! Prepare now before there is smoke of the horizon.

The dates for FireFree can be found at or on our FireFree tab here on our blog.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Bark Mulch Demonstration With KTVZ

Bend Fire & Project Wildfire partnered to create a demonstration to show the flammability potential of bark mulch. Bark mulch can be susceptible to cigarette butts & embers from a wildfire.

Demonstration: bark dust a danger during fire season

The roof and the first 5 feet between your home and the surrounding fuels can make or break the chances of your home surviving a wildfire. Get ready for fire season now!

Go to for tips and tricks on getting your home ready for fire season.