Thursday, February 16, 2017

Where to get pile and prescribed burning information

We are right in the middle of pile burning and prescribed fire season on the Deschutes National Forest. Fuels specialists conduct prescribed burns to remove hazardous fuels from the forest floor and increase forest health. 

Typically pile burning is used to remove the concentrations of leftover materials associated with previous vegetation management activities intended to remove hazardous fuels that can burn during summer wildfires. Once ignited, units are monitored by firefighters until they are declared out.

Fuels specialists follow policies outlined in the Oregon Department of Forestry smoke management plan, which governs prescribed fires (including pile burning) and attempts to minimize impacts to visibility and public health.

Where can you find information on burning in central Oregon forests? There are multiple links you can follow to get up to date information on pile burns and prescribed fire.

Central Oregon Dispatch Twitter Feed: Central OR Fire Info

Ochoco National Forest Twitter Feed: Ochoco NF

Deschutes National Forest FB: Deschutes National Forest

Deschutes Collaborative Forest Project: DCFP Blog

Interactive Prescribed Fire Map: Interactive Map

Prescribed Fire in Central Oregon: Prescribed Fire in CO